RTeams - Remote Developers From South America

Hire Remote React Developer

We provide you a developer with the knowledge and experience you need, at low cost from South America.

Hire a Remote React Developer From South America with Us


At RTeams, we facilitate the hiring of top-notch, seasoned remote React developers to businesses in the US, UK, and Canada. We transform the otherwise strenuous process of hiring into a swift, seamless, and trouble-free experience. Our expertise lies in finding the perfect React developer for your specific needs – a developer who is not only competent and diligent but also takes ownership of their responsibilities.

Our pool of South American React talent is vast and diverse. We utilize an advanced AI matching algorithm, combined with our considerable expertise in React recruitment and management, to connect you with the ideal developer for your project. We prioritize both data analysis and personal intuition, conducting comprehensive interviews to find the best match for your enterprise.

Our mission is to help you onboard a remote React developer who will immediately begin contributing high-quality React code. Over several years, we have refined our hiring process, earning the trust of many burgeoning startups. Reach out to RTeams today and let us help you discover your ideal React software developer.

Affordable South American Rates

Our team comprises Remote South American developers who are enthusiastic about collaborating with US companies.

No Hidden Costs

We manage all personnel benefits, local employment taxes, and other employment-related expenses, so there are no surprise costs.

Vetted Professional Remote Developers

When you hire a developer with us, you can rest assured that you're hiring a skilled professional who has passed our rigorous testing process.

Work to USA Hours

Our remote developers, based in Brazil, are more than happy to work US hours to ensure seamless communication with your existing team.


"Went Above And Beyond"

Went above and beyond when there was a management deficiency on our side, they stepped in to help and made sure the project was delivered on time.

Hendrik Duerkop

Director Technology at Statista

"Great Speed and Low Cost"

They provided the key technical skills and staffing power we needed to augment our existing teams. Not only that, it was all done at great speed and low cost

Jason Pappas

CEO Rocket Docs

"Deliver On Time And Budget"

Great communication, technical skills, honesty, and integrity. More importantly, they are experts who deliver complex projects on time and on budget!

Sachin Kainth

Director MontStreet Group

Understanding the Need for Remote React Developers

React developers have become a cornerstone of modern business growth due to their ability to create efficient and scalable user interfaces in applications. With the widespread adoption of digital technologies, businesses of all sizes and types now rely on web and mobile applications to reach, engage with, and provide services to their customers. React developers are key players in creating these applications, and hence, are vital to business success.

By hiring a Remote React developer, businesses can leverage the flexibility, cost-efficiency, and access to a diverse talent pool. The advantages are further amplified when you hire through RTeams, as we not only provide a carefully curated pool of professionals but also take care of the associated administrative tasks. Our React developers are prepped to produce quality code from the outset, saving you time and effort in onboarding, and thus allowing you to focus more on your project goals.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Remote React Developer?

The cost of hiring a Remote React developer can depend on numerous variables. Elements such as expertise, experience, geographical location, and current market conditions can greatly influence the cost.

React developers with a rich portfolio of experience often deliver higher-quality results, work more efficiently, and possess a greater range of specialized expertise, thus, they naturally command higher fees. On the other hand, budding developers may also charge a premium as they gain more experience and skill.

RTeams offers a transparent pricing model for our South American React developers, considering all these aspects:


$ 19
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers


$ 27
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers


$ 37
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers

What Skills Should You Look for When Hiring a React Developer?

Hiring a React developer involves looking beyond their basic programming skills. It’s about understanding the whole spectrum of their abilities – from their technical skills and expertise with React to their soft skills and how they work within a team.

Senior Mid Junior Developers

Essential Technical Skills for Junior, Mid-level, and Senior Remote React Developers

For a junior React developer, you should look for familiarity with JavaScript (JS), JSX, and understanding the React library, along with basic concepts such as components, state, props, and lifecycle methods.

A mid-level developer should have a strong understanding of React and JS and should be proficient with advanced concepts like hooks, Redux, and Context API. Familiarity with testing libraries like Jest, working experience with front-end tools like Webpack, and proficiency with Git are also essential.

Senior React developers should have all the above skills, along with project management experience and the ability to architect a full-fledged React application. They should also be proficient in performance optimization, server-side rendering, and be familiar with TypeScript and Node.js.

Importance of Soft Skills in a Remote React Developer

In addition to technical skills, a remote React developer must possess certain soft skills to work effectively. Communication is key for articulating ideas, solving problems, and collaborating with the team. Self-motivation is crucial for maintaining productivity in a remote environment. Other essential soft skills include time management, adaptability, and emotional intelligence.

Glimpse into the Code of a Remote React Developer

Before you hire a remote React developer, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of the type of code they write. React code is written in JavaScript and JSX, a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code in your JavaScript code. Below is a simple example of a React component:

n this code snippet, a simple React component named Welcome is created. This component will render the text “Hello, ” followed by the value of this.props.name. this.props.name is a prop (short for properties), which is a way of passing data into React components.

How We Test React Developers’ Coding Skills Before Hiring

Code Test

At RTeams, we have a rigorous testing process to ensure we hire the best React developers. Our code testing involves multiple layers of evaluation.

We begin with a technical screening, where candidates are asked to solve coding problems in real-time. This helps assess their problem-solving skills and their proficiency with React and JavaScript.

Candidates are then given a take-home project relevant to the type of work they would be doing. This provides a more realistic assessment of their abilities, as it allows them to showcase their skills in developing a complete project.

We also conduct a code review of the candidate’s previous work or open-source contributions. This allows us to assess their coding style, understanding of best practices, and their ability to write clean, efficient code.

Key Interview Questions for Hiring a React Developer

Can you describe how you’ve used state and props in a past project?

Understanding a developer’s use of state and props is essential since these are fundamental React concepts. Their answer can help gauge their level of experience and how they approach structuring a React application.

How do you handle performance optimization in React?

Performance optimization is crucial for ensuring a smooth user experience. This question can shed light on the candidate’s understanding of optimizing a React application and their awareness of best practices.

Developer Interview

Can you describe an instance where you used lifecycle methods in your application?

Lifecycle methods are essential to controlling what happens when components are created and destroyed. A developer’s answer can give insight into their proficiency with more advanced React concepts.

Can you explain how you’ve used Redux or Context API in your projects?

Redux and Context API are used for managing state in larger React applications. Their answer can demonstrate their understanding of state management, an important aspect of complex applications.

A Reliable Development Partner For You


In order to develop apps and websites, you need a partner with experience and reliability. We strive to provide a professional and premium service to all of our customers. Our development team can help you get off to a great start!

Responsibilities of a Remote React Developer

In the fast-paced realm of software development, the role of a React developer is diverse and constantly evolving. They are the driving force behind the user interface and overall user experience, creating components and structures that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The responsibilities of a React developer extend beyond mere coding – they are instrumental in planning, strategizing, and implementing software solutions.

Key Tasks and Responsibilities of a React Developer

A React developer’s tasks can range from developing new user-facing features using React.js, to building reusable components and front-end libraries for future use. They’re responsible for translating designs and wireframes into high-quality code, and optimizing components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers. Furthermore, React developers are often expected to leverage their knowledge of React.js and its lifecycle to fine-tune the web application and enhance its efficiency and effectiveness.

Understanding the Role of a React Developer in a Team

In a team setting, a React developer is typically part of a larger group of developers and works in collaboration with back-end developers and web designers. They play a critical role in defining the structure and behavior of the application, and work closely with the back-end developers to ensure seamless integration of the front-end with the server-side application logic. They also often interface with UX/UI designers to implement designs and enhance the user experience. Furthermore, they actively participate in code reviews and provide valuable feedback to their peers.

Developer Responsibilities

How to Hire React Developers through RTeams

Here are three steps you can follow in order to hire a developer with us:

Tell us about your project needs

Share the vision of the deliverables you expect


We find developers with the Skills you need

Receive CVs and find developers with the specific skills and experience you need


Get started with you development project

Our developers will integrate seamlessly with your inhouse team allowing you to boost productivity fast.

Challenges in Hiring a React Developer

Hiring a React developer comes with its own set of challenges. From assessing technical competency to gauging cultural fit, the hiring process can be a complex and time-consuming task.

Hiring Challenges

Understanding the Current Market Scenario for Hiring React Developers

The demand for React developers is significantly high, and the competition to secure top talent is fierce. Companies are in a constant race to attract and retain the best React developers, which can drive up the cost and complexity of hiring. The shortage of highly skilled developers further exacerbates this challenge.

Common Challenges Faced by Businesses in Hiring React Developers

Some of the common challenges faced by businesses include finding developers with the right set of technical skills and experience level, ensuring cultural fit, managing differences in time zones for remote developers, and dealing with high rates and competition from other companies.

How RTeams Can Help Overcome These Challenges while Keeping Costs Low

RTeams understands these challenges and has tailored its services to help businesses overcome them effectively. With a wide talent pool, we are able to find developers with the right skills and experience level. Our rigorous vetting process ensures cultural fit, and our South American developers are more than willing to adapt to different time zones. Furthermore, our pricing model is designed to be cost-effective and competitive, helping businesses secure top talent without breaking the bank.

Meet Experienced Developers With The Exact Skills You Need

Contact us and we will provide you with a number of candidates with the skills and experience you need on your team.

Leveraging Remote Work: Hiring Top React Developers in South America with RTeams

In today’s interconnected world, geographical barriers no longer restrict access to talent. Companies can recruit skilled professionals from anywhere, including places like South America, where a thriving tech ecosystem is blossoming. By hiring a React developer from South America through RTeams, you not only gain access to highly skilled professionals but also reap the benefits of lower costs and overlapping time zones.

A Remarkable Pool of React Talent

South America is home to an incredibly vibrant tech community with highly skilled React developers. The region has seen a surge in technological development and innovation, and its developers are known for their adaptability, eagerness to learn, and problem-solving capabilities. RTeams taps into this talent pool to bring you highly skilled and dedicated React developers who are ready to contribute to your success.

Cost Benefits of Hiring One of Our South American React Developers

Hiring a React developer from South America through RTeams provides a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality. Due to differences in living costs, South American developers often command more competitive rates than their North American or European counterparts. This cost efficiency can significantly reduce your project budget while still ensuring you receive top-quality work.

South American Developers

Exploring the Advantages of React in Development

React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, has been a game-changer in the web development field. It offers numerous benefits that can greatly simplify the development process and improve the quality of your web application.

Understanding React and Its Development Uses

React allows developers to build large web applications that can update and render efficiently in response to data changes. Its component-based architecture promotes code reusability, leading to more maintainable code and faster development times. React is used in a variety of web applications, from single-page applications to complex, feature-rich web apps.

Benefits of Building Your Business Web App with React

Building your web application with React comes with several benefits. It improves the user experience through faster rendering and a more responsive UI. Its component-based structure promotes better code organization and reusability. It’s also backed by a large community and has a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools that can speed up development and enhance your application’s functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We have a streamlined hiring process that includes screening, technical assessment, and interviews.

  • Yes, our developers are based in South America and are happy to work US hours.

The cost varies based on the developer’s experience and skills. Contact us for detailed pricing

Once the hiring process is complete, our .Net developer can start working on your project immediately.