RTeams - Remote Developers From South America

Hire Remote Angular Developer

We provide you a developer with the knowledge and experience you need, at low cost from South America.

Hire a Remote Angular Developer From South America with Us

At RTeams, we are a pioneering nearshore development company, dedicated to connecting businesses in the US, UK, and Canada with the crème de la crème of remote Angular developers. We have streamlined the hiring process, making it not just fast but smooth and simple, ensuring the Angular developer you hire is not only technically competent but also responsible and diligent.

Leveraging our extensive pool of South American Angular talent, we employ advanced AI algorithms along with our seasoned expertise in Angular recruitment and management to find you the best developer. We use a unique blend of data analytics, personal interviews, and intuition to identify the perfect fit for your business.

Our ultimate objective? To help you hire a Remote Angular developer who will start delivering high-quality code from day one. With a hiring process honed over several years and trusted by numerous fast-growing startups, RTeams is your gateway to your dream Angular software developer. Connect with us today and get started.

Affordable South American Rates

Our team comprises Remote South American developers who are enthusiastic about collaborating with US companies.

No Hidden Costs

We manage all personnel benefits, local employment taxes, and other employment-related expenses, so there are no surprise costs.

Vetted Professional Remote Developers

When you hire a developer with us, you can rest assured that you're hiring a skilled professional who has passed our rigorous testing process.

Work to USA Hours

Our remote developers, based in Brazil, are more than happy to work US hours to ensure seamless communication with your existing team.


"Went Above And Beyond"

Went above and beyond when there was a management deficiency on our side, they stepped in to help and made sure the project was delivered on time.

Hendrik Duerkop

Director Technology at Statista

"Great Speed and Low Cost"

They provided the key technical skills and staffing power we needed to augment our existing teams. Not only that, it was all done at great speed and low cost

Jason Pappas

CEO Rocket Docs

"Deliver On Time And Budget"

Great communication, technical skills, honesty, and integrity. More importantly, they are experts who deliver complex projects on time and on budget!

Sachin Kainth

Director MontStreet Group

Understanding the Need for Remote Angular Developers

The rise of the digital era has led to a surge in the need for developers skilled in specific languages and frameworks. Angular is one such in-demand skill, owing to its capability to deliver dynamic and responsive web applications. With a remote Angular developer, businesses can tap into global talent, saving on costs, and ensuring round-the-clock productivity.

Angular Developers: Catalysts for Business Growth

In a world that is increasingly shifting online, a robust digital presence is vital for businesses. This is where Angular developers come into the picture. They build intuitive and interactive web applications that offer superior user experiences, leading to increased customer engagement and, consequently, business growth.

The Strategic Advantage of Hiring a Remote Angular Developer

The advantages of hiring a remote Angular developer are manifold. With the flexibility to tap into a global talent pool, businesses can hire the best without geographical constraints. Also, remote developers can work in different time zones, ensuring that your business is operational round the clock.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Remote Angular Developer?

Several elements contribute to the cost of hiring a remote Angular developer, including their expertise, experience, geographical location, and prevailing market conditions.

Experienced Angular developers, known for delivering superior quality results, working with a faster pace, and boasting specialized areas of expertise, naturally command higher fees.

Even a novice Angular developer may elevate their price as they amass more experience and enhance their skill set.

At RTeams, the hourly rates for our South American Angular developers are as follows:


$ 19
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers


$ 27
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers


$ 37
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers

Identifying the Key Skills in an Angular Developer

As businesses continue to leverage digital solutions to propel growth, the need for skilled Angular developers has seen a substantial rise. But what exactly should you look for when you’re in the market to hire an Angular developer? There are several key skills, both technical and interpersonal, that every exceptional Angular developer should possess.

Senior Mid Junior Developers

Decoding the Technical Skills for Angular Developers at Different Levels

For a junior Angular developer, the most crucial technical skills involve a strong understanding of JavaScript, knowledge of Angular frameworks, HTML, CSS, and Typescript.

However, as the developer progresses to a mid-level or senior role, the expectations increase. Besides the skills required at the junior level, mid-level and senior developers should have a deeper understanding of architectural design and possess the ability to design and implement scalable solutions. They should be proficient in unit testing and have a solid grasp of security protocols. A senior developer should also be able to guide and mentor junior team members, ensuring the whole team delivers the highest standard of work.

The Power of Soft Skills in a Remote Angular Developer

The importance of soft skills in a developer’s toolbox can’t be understated, especially in a remote setting. With limited face-to-face interaction, good communication becomes paramount. A remote Angular developer should be able to articulate their thoughts and ideas clearly, ask relevant questions, and ensure they understand project requirements thoroughly.

Another essential soft skill is time management. Remote developers must manage their tasks and deliverables efficiently while working independently. Lastly, problem-solving skills and adaptability are crucial. Remote developers should be able to adapt to changes quickly, handle issues that arise, and find innovative solutions to problems.

A Glimpse Into the Code of a Remote Angular Developer

Let’s peek into what the code from a remote Angular developer might look like. Angular, a TypeScript-based framework, is primarily used for building single-page applications. Below is a simple example of how an Angular developer might create a component to display a list of employees in a business application:

How We Test Angular Developers’ Coding Skills Before Hiring

Code Test

At RTeams, our goal is to deliver the highest quality services to our clients, which means hiring the very best Angular developers. To achieve this, we’ve implemented a robust coding testing system. The evaluation begins with a technical screening, where the developer’s fundamental knowledge of Angular, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and TypeScript is assessed.

Next, we move onto the coding test. Here, the developer is asked to solve a real-world problem that tests their skills in Angular, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge of best practices. This test is reviewed by our senior developers to gauge code quality, scalability, and performance.

Finally, we have the live coding session. In this round, the developer is paired with a senior developer and asked to code in real-time. This test gives us valuable insight into the developer’s thought process, problem-solving ability, and how well they work under pressure.

Key Interview Questions for Hiring a Angular Developer

Can you describe the life cycle of an Angular component?

Understanding the lifecycle of an Angular component is fundamental. This question tests the developer’s knowledge about different lifecycle hooks and how to use them to control the component’s behavior during its creation, update, and destruction.

How do you handle errors in Angular?

Error handling is a critical aspect of any application. This question reveals how the developer tackles unexpected situations or mistakes in their code and their understanding of Angular’s error handling strategies.

Developer Interview

Can you explain how change detection works in Angular?

This question will show you the developer’s understanding of one of the most crucial parts of the Angular framework – the change detection mechanism. Their answer will reveal their depth of knowledge and expertise in handling performance issues in Angular applications.

How would you optimize an Angular application’s performance?

Performance is a crucial factor in user experience. This question will reveal the developer’s ability to identify performance bottlenecks and their knowledge of optimization techniques in Angular applications, such as lazy loading, change detection strategy, and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation.

A Reliable Development Partner For You


In order to develop apps and websites, you need a partner with experience and reliability. We strive to provide a professional and premium service to all of our customers. Our development team can help you get off to a great start!

Decoding the Role of a Remote Angular Developer

In the constantly evolving realm of software development, roles are growing more specialized, and each carries its unique set of responsibilities. The position of an Angular developer is no different. They are the linchpins in web development projects, employing their skills to deliver highly responsive and efficient applications.

Key Tasks and Responsibilities of an Angular Developer

An Angular developer’s duties encompass various aspects of project development. They start by analyzing the user requirements and design, followed by crafting the most optimal solution. Their primary responsibilities include developing application codes and user interfaces using Angular, writing extensive unit tests for robustness and reliability, and ensuring high performance of applications.

Developers must also work closely with backend developers to ensure seamless integration of server-side logic, and they must comply with industry best practices and coding standards. Furthermore, maintaining documentation of the codebase and project features is also a crucial aspect of their role.

The Role of an Angular Developer in a Team

The role of an Angular developer goes beyond writing code. They are essential team players who collaborate with designers, backend developers, and quality assurance professionals to deliver high-quality applications. They need to communicate effectively to understand the project requirements and provide updates about their progress. Their problem-solving skills are often put to the test as they address bugs and improve the application based on user feedback. In essence, an Angular developer is a key contributor who can significantly influence a project’s success.

Developer Responsibilities

How to Hire Angular Developers through RTeams

Here are three steps you can follow in order to hire a developer with us:

Tell us about your project needs

Share the vision of the deliverables you expect


We find developers with the Skills you need

Receive CVs and find developers with the specific skills and experience you need


Get started with you development project

Our developers will integrate seamlessly with your inhouse team allowing you to boost productivity fast.

Navigating the Challenges in Hiring an Angular Developer

Hiring a competent Angular developer isn’t as straightforward as it may seem. The task is riddled with numerous challenges, primarily due to the growing demand for Angular developers and the complexities of the hiring process itself.

Hiring Challenges

Current Market Scenario for Hiring Angular Developers

The current market scenario for Angular developers is highly competitive. With an increasing number of businesses realizing the potential of Angular for their web development needs, the demand for skilled Angular developers is soaring. However, the supply isn’t catching up, making it challenging for companies to find the right talent.

Common Challenges in Hiring Angular Developers

Beyond the supply-demand gap, other challenges include finding developers with the right mix of technical and soft skills, and ensuring their experience aligns with the project requirements. Additionally, there are concerns about salary expectations and hiring costs. Remote hiring adds another layer of complexity, requiring tools and strategies to manage different time zones, language barriers, and cultural differences.

How RTeams Can Help Overcome Hiring Challenges While Keeping Costs Low

At RTeams, we specialize in providing experienced, English-speaking software developers for remote work. Our vast talent pool of South American Angular developers enables us to match your specific requirements with the right developer. We manage the entire hiring process, including vetting and interviewing, freeing you from these tedious tasks. Moreover, our competitive pricing ensures you get top-notch talent without straining your budget.

Meet Experienced Developers With The Exact Skills You Need

Contact us and we will provide you with a number of candidates with the skills and experience you need on your team.

Leveraging Remote Work: Hiring Top Angular Developers in South America with RTeams

Remote work has revolutionized the way businesses operate, opening doors to global talent pools. At RTeams, we have leveraged this opportunity to bring the best South American Angular developers to businesses in the USA, Canada, and the UK.

An Amazing Pool of Angular Talent

South America boasts a growing tech sector, producing a wealth of highly skilled Angular developers. These professionals are known for their hard work, technical prowess, and adaptability. At RTeams, we have tapped into this talent reservoir, offering an array of developers with varying levels of experience and specialties.

Cost Benefits of Hiring Our South American Angular Developers

Our South American developers provide an excellent balance of quality and cost. With lower living costs in South America compared to the USA, Canada, and the UK, we can offer the same level of expertise at a fraction of the cost you’d incur hiring domestically.

Ensuring Successful Remote Angular Development Through Time Zone Compatibility

Effective communication is the backbone of successful remote development. Fortunately, South America’s proximity to North America ensures minimal time zone differences, facilitating real-time collaboration and communication. With our Angular developers, you can enjoy seamless project management and timely delivery of your projects.

South American Developers

The Power of Angular in Development

In the vast world of web development, choosing the right framework can spell the difference between success and mediocrity. Among the numerous tools available, Angular has emerged as a strong contender.

Understanding Angular and Its Development Use

Angular is a versatile open-source framework developed by Google, primarily used for building highly scalable single-page web applications. The framework is lauded for its ability to streamline the development process through features like two-way data binding, modular architecture, and dependency injection. Its extensibility allows developers to customize the workflow to suit their specific needs.

Benefits of Building Your Business Web App with Angular

Investing in Angular for your business web application can yield numerous benefits. Its efficient code structure improves application performance, while its robust security features help keep data protected. Additionally, the framework supports responsive design, ensuring your application works seamlessly across different devices. With its user-friendly interface and easy maintenance, Angular can significantly enhance the user experience, thereby driving customer engagement and business growth.

How RTeams Can Help You Find the Best Angular Developer and Lower Costs

Finding the right Angular developer can be a challenge. However, at RTeams, we simplify this process for you. Our extensive network of Angular developers, combined with our refined recruitment process, ensures you get the best talent that aligns with your project requirements and company culture.

RTeams: Your Partner in Angular Development

We don’t just help you hire; we ensure that your project gets off the ground. Our experienced Angular developers, backed by a supportive project management team, ensure smooth development and deployment of your web application. And the best part? Our competitive rates mean you can have top-tier talent without breaking the bank.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We have a streamlined hiring process that includes screening, technical assessment, and interviews.

  • Yes, our developers are based in South America and are happy to work US hours.

The cost varies based on the developer’s experience and skills. Contact us for detailed pricing

Once the hiring process is complete, our .Net developer can start working on your project immediately.