RTeams - Remote Developers From South America

Hire Remote Backbone.js Developer

We provide you a developer with the knowledge and experience you need, at low cost from South America.

Hire a Remote Backbone.js Developer from South America with Us


At RTeams, we are a leading Nearshore development company that specializes in providing the best and most experienced Remote Backbone.js developers to businesses in the US, UK, and Canada. We have streamlined the process of hiring a Backbone.js developer, making it easy, smooth, and fast. Our team is dedicated to finding the perfect Remote Backbone.js developer who possesses the right experience that aligns with your specific project requirements and is both responsible and hardworking.

Notably, we have a vast pool of South American Backbone.js talent, allowing us to draw from a diverse and skilled set of developers. To ensure we find the best fit for your business needs, we utilize an advanced artificial intelligence matching algorithm along with our seasoned expertise in Backbone.js recruitment and management. Our team combines data analysis, personal interviews, and intuition to identify the ideal candidate for your project.

Our ultimate goal is to help you hire a Remote Backbone.js developer who will deliver high-quality Backbone.js code from the outset. Over the years, we have refined our hiring process, earning the trust of several fast-growing startups. RTeams is here to help you find your dream Backbone.js software developer. Get started today by sending us a message.

Affordable South American Rates

Our team comprises Remote South American developers who are enthusiastic about collaborating with US companies.

No Hidden Costs

We manage all personnel benefits, local employment taxes, and other employment-related expenses, so there are no surprise costs.

Vetted Professional Remote Developers

When you hire a developer with us, you can rest assured that you're hiring a skilled professional who has passed our rigorous testing process.

Work to USA Hours

Our remote developers, based in Brazil, are more than happy to work US hours to ensure seamless communication with your existing team.


"Went Above And Beyond"

Went above and beyond when there was a management deficiency on our side, they stepped in to help and made sure the project was delivered on time.

Hendrik Duerkop

Director Technology at Statista

"Great Speed and Low Cost"

They provided the key technical skills and staffing power we needed to augment our existing teams. Not only that, it was all done at great speed and low cost

Jason Pappas

CEO Rocket Docs

"Deliver On Time And Budget"

Great communication, technical skills, honesty, and integrity. More importantly, they are experts who deliver complex projects on time and on budget!

Sachin Kainth

Director MontStreet Group

Why Are Remote Backbone.js Developers in Demand?

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, Remote Backbone.js developers are in high demand due to their indispensable role in software development.

The Role of Backbone.js Developers in Development

Backbone.js developers play a critical role in building dynamic and responsive single-page applications. They specialize in creating robust frontend structures, managing data models, and enabling seamless user interactions.

Why Hire a Remote Backbone.js Developer?

Hiring a Remote Backbone.js developer offers several advantages, including access to a diverse talent pool, cost-effectiveness, and flexible collaboration. Remote developers bring fresh perspectives and expertise, enhancing your development process.

Benefits of Hiring a Remote Backbone.js Developer from Us

When you choose RTeams to hire a Remote Backbone.js developer, you unlock a host of benefits. Our dedicated developers from South America are not only experienced but also proficient in English communication. With our competitive pricing and reliable support, you can access top-tier Backbone.js talent without compromising on quality.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Remote Backbone.js Developer?

It is common for various factors to influence the cost of hiring a Remote Backbone.js developer, such as expertise, experience, location, and market conditions.

Backbone.js developers with experience deliver higher-quality results, work more efficiently, and possess specialized expertise, which may reflect in their fees. Beginners, on the other hand, may offer lower-priced services as they gain experience and build their portfolios.

Our hourly rates for our South American Backbone.js developers are:


$ 19
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers


$ 27
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers


$ 37
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers

What Skills to Look Out for When You Hire a Backbone.js Developer?

Hiring the right Backbone.js developer is crucial for the success of your software development project. As an expert outsourcing company specializing in remote software development, RTeams understands the significance of technical and soft skills when selecting Backbone.js developers. In this article, we will explore the essential skills to look for in junior, mid-level, and senior Remote Backbone.js developers, as well as the importance of soft skills in ensuring seamless collaboration in a remote setting.

Senior Mid Junior Developers

Essential Technical Skills for Junior, Mid-level, and Senior Remote Backbone.js Developers

Backbone.js is a powerful JavaScript framework used for building scalable and efficient single-page applications. When hiring a Backbone.js developer, the required technical skills will vary depending on the level of experience:

Junior Remote Backbone.js Developer: A junior developer should possess a strong foundation in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Familiarity with Backbone.js basics, such as models, views, and collections, is essential. Junior developers should demonstrate the ability to work with RESTful APIs and have a grasp of frontend development principles.

Mid-level Remote Backbone.js Developer: Mid-level developers should have hands-on experience in building complex Backbone.js applications. Proficiency in JavaScript libraries and frameworks like Underscore.js and Marionette.js is a plus. They should be adept at handling data synchronization between the server and client and have a good understanding of routing and event management in Backbone.js.

Senior Remote Backbone.js Developer: Senior developers must have an extensive background in developing large-scale Backbone.js applications. They should be well-versed in architectural patterns, such as MV* and Flux, and demonstrate expertise in optimizing application performance. Experience with task runners like Grunt or Gulp and module bundlers like Webpack is valuable.

Importance of Soft Skills in a Remote Backbone.js Developer

In a remote software development setup, soft skills play a critical role in ensuring effective communication and collaboration. When hiring a Backbone.js developer, consider the following soft skills:

  • Communication: Remote developers must have excellent communication skills to convey ideas clearly and engage in productive discussions with team members.

  • Time Management: Meeting deadlines is crucial in software development. A remote Backbone.js developer should be self-disciplined and adept at managing their time efficiently.

  • Problem-solving: Backbone.js developers need to be analytical and creative problem solvers, capable of finding innovative solutions to complex challenges.

  • Adaptability: Remote work often involves working with diverse teams and projects. An adaptable Backbone.js developer can easily transition between tasks and adjust to changing project requirements.

What Does the Code a Remote Backbone.js Developer Writes Look Like?

Backbone.js enables developers to write clean and organized JavaScript code for building sophisticated single-page applications. Let’s take a look at a brief example of a Backbone.js business code snippet:

The above code demonstrates how Backbone.js follows a structured approach by utilizing models, collections, views, and routers to build a responsive and maintainable application.

How We Code Test Backbone.js Developers Before You Hire Them?

Code Test

At RTeams, we are committed to hiring the best talent, and our rigorous coding tests for Backbone.js developers ensure that you get skilled professionals for your projects.

We employ the following testing methods:

  1. Coding Challenges: Our Backbone.js coding challenges evaluate developers’ ability to solve real-world problems using the framework. These challenges assess their understanding of core concepts and best practices.

  2. Code Review: We conduct thorough code reviews to assess the quality and efficiency of a developer’s code. This process helps us identify their adherence to coding standards and ability to write clean and maintainable code.

  3. Live Coding Sessions: During live coding sessions, developers showcase their problem-solving skills and coding proficiency in real-time. This allows us to evaluate their ability to think critically and perform under pressure.

Our comprehensive coding tests ensure that we only hire the most competent and reliable Backbone.js developers who can meet your project requirements with excellence.

What Interview Questions Should You Ask Before Hiring a Backbone.js Developer?

Can you explain the Backbone.js MV* architecture and its benefits?

Understanding the MV* architecture is crucial for Backbone.js developers. Their ability to explain how models, views, and routers work together and the advantages of this pattern will showcase their knowledge of the framework’s fundamentals.

How do you handle data synchronization in Backbone.js?

This question assesses a developer’s proficiency in handling data synchronization between the server and client. They should be able to explain the role of Backbone.js models and collections in managing data.

Developer Interview

Have you worked with any Backbone.js extensions or plugins?

Experience with popular Backbone.js extensions like Marionette.js or libraries like Underscore.js indicates a developer’s familiarity with advanced tools that enhance development efficiency.

Can you describe a challenging problem you encountered while using Backbone.js and how you resolved it?

This question evaluates a developer’s problem-solving skills and ability to overcome obstacles. Their response will give insights into their critical thinking and debugging abilities, essential for any Backbone.js project.

A Reliable Development Partner For You


In order to develop apps and websites, you need a partner with experience and reliability. We strive to provide a professional and premium service to all of our customers. Our development team can help you get off to a great start!

Responsibilities of a Remote Backbone.js Developer

As an expert outsourcing company specializing in remote software development, RTeams understands the crucial responsibilities of a Remote Backbone.js developer. They play a vital role in building dynamic and robust single-page applications, working closely with frontend and backend developers to create seamless user experiences.

Key Tasks and Responsibilities of a Backbone.js Developer

  • Developing and maintaining frontend structures: Backbone.js developers are responsible for creating and maintaining the frontend structure of web applications using the Backbone.js framework. They ensure smooth navigation and user interactions.

  • Managing data models and synchronization: Backbone.js developers handle data models and ensure efficient synchronization between the server and client. They facilitate seamless data flow throughout the application.

  • Implementing routing and event management: Backbone.js enables developers to create efficient routing and event management systems, allowing smooth transitions between different application states.

  • Collaborating with other developers: Backbone.js developers work collaboratively with frontend and backend developers, as well as other supporting roles like QA and Product Managers, to ensure seamless integration and functionality.

Understanding the Role of a Backbone.js Developer in a Team

A Backbone.js developer plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between frontend and backend development. They act as a backbone, connecting different parts of the application and ensuring the smooth flow of data and user interactions. Their expertise in frontend technologies and understanding of backend APIs make them invaluable team members, contributing to the overall success of the project.

Developer Responsibilities

How to Hire Backbone.js Developers through RTeams

Here are three steps you can follow in order to hire a developer with us:

Tell us about your project needs

Share the vision of the deliverables you expect


We find developers with the Skills you need

Receive CVs and find developers with the specific skills and experience you need


Get started with you development project

Our developers will integrate seamlessly with your inhouse team allowing you to boost productivity fast.

Challenges in Hiring a Good Backbone.js Developer

Hiring the right Backbone.js developer can be a challenging task, given the current market scenario and the unique requirements of each project.

Understanding the Current Market Scenario for Hiring Backbone.js Developers

The demand for skilled Backbone.js developers has surged due to the popularity of single-page applications. Consequently, there is fierce competition to hire talented developers with expertise in the framework.

Hiring Challenges

Common Challenges Faced by Businesses in Hiring Backbone.js Developers

  • Shortage of skilled developers: The scarcity of experienced Backbone.js developers makes it difficult for businesses to find suitable candidates for their projects.

  • Time-consuming hiring process: The extensive search for the right developer and conducting thorough interviews can consume valuable time and resources.

How We Can Help You Overcome These Challenges While Keeping Costs Low

At RTeams, we have a vast pool of talented .Net developers and a streamlined hiring process. We can help you find the right candidate quickly and at a lower cost. Our developers are vetted and experienced, ensuring that you receive high-quality work. We handle all employment-related expenses, and our developers are happy to work US hours for easy communication.

Meet Experienced Developers With The Exact Skills You Need

Contact us and we will provide you with a number of candidates with the skills and experience you need on your team.

Leveraging Remote Work: Hiring Top Backbone.js Developers in South America with Us

In the ever-evolving world of software development, Remote work has emerged as a game-changer, allowing businesses to tap into a global talent pool and hire top-notch developers from anywhere in the world. RTeams, as a leading outsourcing company specializing in remote software development, offers businesses the opportunity to leverage this remote work advantage and hire the best Backbone.js developers from South America. In this section, we will explore the incredible pool of Backbone.js talent available to you, the cost benefits of hiring South American Backbone.js developers, and the importance of seamless communication and working in the same timezone for successful remote Backbone.js development.

An Amazing Pool of Backbone.js Talent

At RTeams, we take pride in curating an exceptional pool of Backbone.js talent from South America. Our region is home to numerous skilled and experienced developers who have honed their expertise in building cutting-edge single-page applications using Backbone.js. When you hire one of our developers, you gain access to a diverse range of talents and skills that can elevate your development projects to new heights.

Our rigorous selection process ensures that we handpick only the best developers with a proven track record of successful projects. Whether you need a junior developer to assist with frontend development or a seasoned expert to lead a full-stack project, our talent pool has the right fit for your specific needs.

Cost Benefits of Hiring One of Our South American Backbone.js Developers

Cost-effectiveness is a major advantage when you hire a Backbone.js developer from South America with RTeams. Compared to developers from other regions, our South American developers offer competitive rates without compromising on the quality of their work.

The cost savings extend beyond hourly rates. When you hire a remote developer from us, you eliminate the need for infrastructure expenses, hardware, and other overhead costs associated with hiring in-house developers. Additionally, our dedicated developers work efficiently, ensuring timely project deliveries, which further contributes to cost savings and a higher return on investment.

The Importance of Communication and Working in the Same Timezone for Successful Remote Backbone.js Development

Clear and effective communication is the backbone of successful remote software development. When you hire a Backbone.js developer from South America, you benefit from developers who are fluent in English, ensuring seamless communication with your team.

Furthermore, working in the same timezone significantly streamlines collaboration and minimizes communication gaps. Our South American developers align their work hours with your team’s schedule, allowing for real-time interactions, quick responses to queries, and agile development practices.

South American Developers

Exploring the Advantages of Backbone.js in Development

As an expert outsourcing company specializing in remote software development, RTeams recognizes the immense advantages of utilizing Backbone.js in web application development. In this article, we will delve into the understanding of Backbone.js and its development use, as well as the benefits it offers when building business web applications.

Understanding Backbone.js and Its Development Use

Backbone.js is a lightweight and flexible JavaScript framework that provides the structure needed to develop dynamic and responsive single-page applications (SPAs). It follows the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architectural pattern, allowing developers to organize their code efficiently. Backbone.js simplifies data synchronization between the client and server and provides robust routing and event handling capabilities. Its modular structure enables developers to create scalable applications, making it an excellent choice for businesses seeking versatility and performance in their web projects.

Benefits of Building Your Business Web App with Backbone.js

  • Enhanced User Experience: Backbone.js facilitates seamless user interactions and real-time updates, creating a smooth and engaging user experience.

  • Modularity and Reusability: The modular design of Backbone.js enables developers to build reusable components, streamlining the development process and saving time and effort.

  • Improved Project Organization: Backbone.js encourages a structured approach to development, leading to well-organized and maintainable codebases.

  • Scalability and Flexibility: Backbone.js allows businesses to scale their web applications effortlessly and adapt to changing project requirements.

The Importance of Hiring the Right Backbone.js Developer

Building a successful web application with Backbone.js requires the expertise of a skilled and experienced developer. The right Backbone.js developer brings in-depth knowledge of the framework and a keen understanding of how to leverage its features for optimal results.

How We Can Help You Find the Best Backbone.js Developer and Lower Costs

At RTeams, we understand the significance of hiring the right Backbone.js developer for your project. Our rigorous screening process ensures that we connect you with top-tier developers who possess the required technical expertise and hands-on experience with the framework.

Our talent pool comprises a diverse range of Backbone.js developers from South America, offering competitive rates without compromising on quality. By hiring from South America, you can lower development costs while gaining access to exceptional talent.

Our team’s expert guidance and support throughout the hiring process ensure a seamless experience, from initial recruitment to onboarding, ultimately leading to successful project outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We have a streamlined hiring process that includes screening, technical assessment, and interviews.

  • Yes, our developers are based in South America and are happy to work US hours.

The cost varies based on the developer’s experience and skills. Contact us for detailed pricing

Once the hiring process is complete, our .Net developer can start working on your project immediately.