RTeams - Remote Developers From South America

Hire Remote TypeScript Developer

We provide you a developer with the knowledge and experience you need, at low cost from South America.

Hire a Remote TypeScript Developer From South America with Us


At RTeams, we excel in providing top-tier, experienced remote TypeScript developers to enterprises in the US, UK, and Canada. Our streamlined process ensures swift, smooth, and efficient hiring. We carefully identify the ideal TypeScript developer for your role, matching your specific needs with a developer who is diligent, reliable, and highly skilled.

Capitalizing on our substantial pool of South American TypeScript talent, we utilize a sophisticated AI matching algorithm along with our extensive experience in TypeScript recruitment and management. Our method combines data analysis with personal interviews and professional intuition to find the perfect fit for your project.

Our mission is to facilitate the hiring of a remote TypeScript developer who can deliver high-quality TypeScript code right from the start. Our robust hiring process, refined over many years, is trusted by numerous rapidly growing startups. RTeams is poised to help you secure your ideal TypeScript software developer. Kickstart your search by contacting us today.

Affordable South American Rates

Our team comprises Remote South American developers who are enthusiastic about collaborating with US companies.

No Hidden Costs

We manage all personnel benefits, local employment taxes, and other employment-related expenses, so there are no surprise costs.

Vetted Professional Remote Developers

When you hire a developer with us, you can rest assured that you're hiring a skilled professional who has passed our rigorous testing process.

Work to USA Hours

Our remote developers, based in Brazil, are more than happy to work US hours to ensure seamless communication with your existing team.


"Went Above And Beyond"

Went above and beyond when there was a management deficiency on our side, they stepped in to help and made sure the project was delivered on time.

Hendrik Duerkop

Director Technology at Statista

"Great Speed and Low Cost"

They provided the key technical skills and staffing power we needed to augment our existing teams. Not only that, it was all done at great speed and low cost

Jason Pappas

CEO Rocket Docs

"Deliver On Time And Budget"

Great communication, technical skills, honesty, and integrity. More importantly, they are experts who deliver complex projects on time and on budget!

Sachin Kainth

Director MontStreet Group

Understanding the Demand for Remote TypeScript Developers

The critical role of TypeScript developers in driving business growth cannot be overstated. They are instrumental in the digital transformation of organizations, propelling growth and enabling adaptability in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

The process of hiring a remote TypeScript developer presents numerous benefits, including cost savings, access to a vast global talent pool, and operational scalability. However, the real value lies in hiring the right remote TypeScript developer, a task where RTeams shines.

Why Hire a Remote TypeScript Developer?

Choosing a remote TypeScript developer allows businesses to expand their talent pool beyond geographical boundaries. They can hire skilled and experienced developers at competitive rates, without compromising on productivity or communication. Moreover, remote work models can help businesses cut costs on infrastructure and other on-site expenses, making it a cost-effective solution for companies of all sizes.

Benefits of Hiring a Remote TypeScript Developer from Us

RTeams offers a seamless hiring process, ensuring the integration of a skilled and reliable remote TypeScript developer into your team. We handle all administrative tasks, leaving you to focus solely on your project. Moreover, our AI-based matching process and personal screening ensure you get the right developer for your needs.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Remote TypeScript Developer?

Hiring a remote TypeScript developer involves considering various factors like their level of expertise, experience, geographical location, and current market trends. RTeams offers competitive hourly rates for our South American TypeScript developers, guaranteeing high-quality, efficient results tailored to your unique business needs.


$ 19
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers


$ 27
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers


$ 37
Per Hour
  • Vetted Skills & Experience
  • Working for You Fulltime
  • US Working Hours
  • Good English Communication
  • Reliable Developers

Identifying the Must-Have Skills in a TypeScript Developer

Choosing an ideal TypeScript developer goes beyond ticking off technical skill requirements. It encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of their problem-solving capabilities, effective communication skills, and cultural compatibility.

Senior Mid Junior Developers

Core Technical Skills for TypeScript Developers

Regardless of their experience level, TypeScript developers must possess certain non-negotiable technical skills. These include a robust understanding of TypeScript, familiarity with front-end technologies, and experience with version control/git.

The Role of Soft Skills in a Remote TypeScript Developer

In a remote working environment, soft skills such as effective communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities are as crucial as technical expertise. 

What Does the Code a Remote TypeScript Developer Writes Look Like?

A TypeScript developer writes clean, maintainable, and efficient code. Here’s an example of a simple TypeScript business code:

How We Code Test TypeScript Developers Before You Hire Them?

Code Test

At RTeams, we have a stringent code testing process in place to ensure we hire only the best TypeScript developers. Our tests are designed to assess a candidate’s problem-solving skills, coding proficiency, and understanding of TypeScript and related technologies. Our multi-stage testing process includes online coding tests, project-based assignments, and code review sessions.

What Interview Questions should you ask a Remote TypeScript developer?

What is your experience with TypeScript and related technologies?

This question helps you gauge the candidate’s technical expertise and their familiarity with TypeScript and its ecosystem.

Can you discuss a challenging project you worked on and how you overcame the difficulties?

This question gives insight into the candidate’s problem-solving skills and their ability to overcome obstacles.

Developer Interview

How do you ensure quality in your code?

This question helps you understand the candidate’s approach to testing and code quality.

How have you worked with a remote team in the past?

This question provides insight into the candidate’s experience and ability to work in a remote setting.

A Reliable Development Partner For You


In order to develop apps and websites, you need a partner with experience and reliability. We strive to provide a professional and premium service to all of our customers. Our development team can help you get off to a great start!

Responsibilities of a Remote TypeScript Developer

A TypeScript developer’s responsibilities can vary depending on the project requirements and the structure of the team they are working in. However, some tasks are common across most roles.

Key Tasks and Responsibilities of a TypeScript Developer

A TypeScript developer is typically responsible for writing clean and efficient code, debugging and resolving issues, collaborating with other team members, and contributing to code reviews. They also need to stay updated with the latest TypeScript updates and best practices.

Understanding the Role of a TypeScript Developer in a Team

In a team setting, a TypeScript developer often collaborates with other developers, designers, project managers, and stakeholders. They contribute to the planning, development, testing, and deployment stages of the project, ensuring that the final product meets the project requirements and business objectives.

Developer Responsibilities

How to Hire TypeScript Developers through RTeams

Here are three steps you can follow in order to hire a developer with us:

Tell us about your project needs

Share the vision of the deliverables you expect


We find developers with the Skills you need

Receive CVs and find developers with the specific skills and experience you need


Get started with you development project

Our developers will integrate seamlessly with your inhouse team allowing you to boost productivity fast.

Challenges in Hiring a TypeScript Developer

The process of hiring a TypeScript developer comes with its own set of challenges. Understanding the market scenario and the difficulties businesses face can help you make an informed decision.

Understanding the Current Market Scenario for Hiring TypeScript Developers

The demand for TypeScript developers is currently high due to the growing popularity of TypeScript. However, the supply of skilled and experienced developers may not always meet the demand, leading to a competitive hiring environment.

Hiring Challenges

Common Challenges Faced by Businesses in Hiring JavaScript Developers

Businesses often grapple with finding a developer with the right skillset, experience, and cultural fit. The remote nature of the role further exacerbates these challenges as it brings into play factors like time zone differences, language barriers, and remote collaboration efficiency.

How We Can Help You Overcome These Challenges While Keeping Costs Low

At RTeams, we simplify the hiring process and help you overcome these challenges. We have a large pool of vetted TypeScript developers who can fit into various roles and levels of expertise. Our rigorous hiring process ensures that you get the right developer for your project. Plus, our competitive pricing means you get top talent without breaking the bank.

Meet Experienced Developers With The Exact Skills You Need

Contact us and we will provide you with a number of candidates with the skills and experience you need on your team.

Leveraging Remote Work: Hiring Top TypeScript Developers in South America with Us

At RTeams, we have a vast pool of talented TypeScript developers in South America. Our developers are not only skilled in TypeScript but are also experienced in working with remote teams, making them an excellent addition to your team.

An Amazing Pool of TypeScript Talent

South America has a vibrant tech scene with a significant number of skilled TypeScript developers. At RTeams, we tap into this pool of talent to provide you with the best developers for your projects.

Cost Benefits of Hiring One of Our South American TypeScript Developers

Hiring a TypeScript developer from South America through RTeams can be more cost-effective compared to hiring a local developer. We offer competitive rates, and our comprehensive service includes handling all employment-related costs.

The Importance of Communication Working in the Same Timezone for Successful Remote TypeScript Development

One of the benefits of hiring a South American developer is the timezone alignment with the US. This makes communication easier, leading to more productive and efficient remote work.

South American Developers

Exploring the Advantages of TypeScript in Development

TypeScript brings a number of advantages to the table when it comes to development. It improves productivity, enhances code quality, and allows for easier maintenance.

Understanding TypeScript and Its Development Use

TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript, which adds static types, classes, and interfaces to the language. It allows developers to write more robust and maintainable code, making it a popular choice for large-scale applications.

Benefits of Building Your Business Web App with TypeScript

Building your web application with TypeScript offers numerous benefits. It improves code quality and readability, catches errors at compile time rather than runtime, and provides excellent tooling support with intelligent code completion and automatic refactoring.

The Importance of Hiring the Right TypeScript Developer

Hiring the right TypeScript developer can significantly impact the success of your project. A skilled developer can write high-quality code, solve complex problems, and contribute to the overall success of your project. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what you’re looking for in a TypeScript developer and to thoroughly assess their skills and experience during the hiring process.

How We Can Help You Find the Best TypeScript Developer and Lower Costs

At RTeams, we can help you find the best TypeScript developer for your project. We have a large pool of skilled and experienced developers, and our comprehensive hiring process ensures that you get a developer who meets your specific requirements. Plus, our competitive pricing means you get top talent without breaking the bank.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We have a streamlined hiring process that includes screening, technical assessment, and interviews.

  • Yes, our developers are based in South America and are happy to work US hours.

The cost varies based on the developer’s experience and skills. Contact us for detailed pricing

Once the hiring process is complete, our .Net developer can start working on your project immediately.