Establishing Agreements: Remote Team Working Agreement Examples

Establishing Agreements: Remote Team Working Agreement Examples

Remote team working agreements are crucial for establishing clear communication and expectations within a remote team. These agreements serve as living documents that capture the policies and guidelines for how a remote team will work together effectively. By covering aspects such as communication methods, response times, core hours, feedback, and decision-making processes, team agreements ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands their roles and responsibilities.

Collaborative creation and regular updates of team agreements are of utmost importance. When team members participate in the creation process, they have a sense of ownership and are more likely to adhere to the agreements. Regular updates ensure that the team agreement remains relevant and adaptable to changing circumstances. This promotes a culture of clear communication and helps prevent misunderstandings or conflicts that may arise due to differing expectations.

Some examples of remote team working agreements include prioritizing quality over speed, being data-oriented, and setting goals aligned with everyone’s vision. These examples demonstrate the importance of setting common goals and values within a remote team, fostering a cohesive and productive work environment.

Having a remote team working agreement has numerous benefits. It promotes collaboration, as team members have a clear understanding of how to communicate and work together effectively. It also helps prevent conflict by setting expectations and guidelines for behavior. An agreed-upon team agreement fosters trust and strengthens teamwork, leading to better overall team performance and productivity.

There are resources and templates available to guide the process of creating team agreements. These tools can help ensure comprehensive coverage of important aspects and provide a framework for teams to build upon. It is essential for leaders to not only facilitate the creation of the team agreement but also model the desired behavior outlined within it. Leadership plays a crucial role in fostering a positive and supportive team culture.

For larger teams, enhancing team agreements may involve revisiting and updating them regularly to accommodate changing dynamics. Making the team agreement easily accessible to all team members and establishing accountability mechanisms can further enhance the effectiveness of team agreements. By scaling agreements to meet the needs of larger teams, organizations can ensure that the team agreement remains applicable and beneficial to all team members.

Key Takeaways:

  • Remote team working agreements establish clear communication and expectations within a remote team.
  • Collaborative creation and regular updates of team agreements ensure buy-in and adaptability.
  • Prioritizing quality, being data-oriented, and setting aligned goals are examples of remote team working agreements.
  • Team agreements promote collaboration, prevent conflict, and enhance overall team performance.
  • Resources and templates are available to guide the creation of team agreements.

What is a Remote Team Working Agreement?

A remote team working agreement is a living document that captures agreements on communication methods, response times, core hours, feedback, and decision-making processes. It serves as a guide for remote team members to work together effectively and establish clear expectations. By outlining these crucial aspects, a team agreement ensures that everyone is on the same page, promoting cohesion and collaboration within the team.

When creating a remote team working agreement, it is important to consider various communication methods that will be used. This could include email, instant messaging, video conferences, or collaboration tools. By specifying the preferred communication channels, remote team members can easily connect and collaborate.

Response times are another important aspect of a team agreement. Establishing expectations regarding how quickly team members should respond to messages, queries, or requests helps maintain efficient communication. This ensures that everyone is aware of the timeframe within which they can expect a response, preventing delays and frustration.

In addition to communication methods and response times, a remote team working agreement should also address core hours, feedback processes, and decision-making. Core hours refer to the designated time period when all team members are expected to be available for collaboration and meetings. Feedback processes should be clearly defined to encourage open and constructive communication among team members. Decision-making processes should outline how decisions will be made, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Key Elements of a Remote Team Working Agreement
Communication Methods
Response Times
Core Hours
Feedback Processes
Decision-Making Processes

Collaborative Creation and Regular Updates

A remote team working agreement should be created collaboratively, involving input and agreement from all team members. This ensures that everyone has a sense of ownership and buy-in, increasing the likelihood that the agreement will be followed.

Regular updates are also essential. As remote teams evolve and adapt to new challenges and circumstances, the team agreement should be reviewed and revised accordingly. By doing so, the team agreement remains relevant and adaptable to the team’s changing needs, ensuring its effectiveness.

“A remote team working agreement is the foundation for effective collaboration and communication within a remote team. By capturing agreements on communication methods, response times, core hours, feedback processes, and decision-making, the team agreement promotes clarity and collaboration among team members.” – Remote Team Collaboration Expert

Importance of Collaborative Creation and Regular Updates

Collaborative creation and regular updates are essential for ensuring buy-in from all team members and maintaining the relevancy of the team agreement. When team members have a voice in the creation process, they feel a sense of ownership and are more likely to commit to the agreements outlined in the document. This collaborative approach fosters a culture of trust and mutual respect within the remote team.

Regular updates are equally important as they allow the team agreement to adapt to changing circumstances and evolving team dynamics. By revisiting the team agreement on a periodic basis, the team can identify areas that may need adjustment or improvement. This ensures that the document remains relevant and effective as the team navigates different challenges and opportunities.

To illustrate the importance of collaborative creation and regular updates, consider the following quote from a team leader who implemented a remote team working agreement: “Our team agreement is the foundation of our success. We collaborated to define our shared values and expectations, and we update it quarterly to maintain alignment and address any emerging needs. This process has fostered a strong sense of teamwork, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal.”

Benefits of Collaborative Creation:

  • Engages all team members in the process
  • Fosters a sense of ownership and commitment
  • Promotes open communication and collaboration
  • Builds trust and mutual understanding

Benefits of Regular Updates:

  • Allows for adaptation to changing circumstances
  • Keeps the team agreement relevant and effective
  • Addresses emerging needs and challenges
  • Ensures ongoing alignment and cohesion within the team
Collaborative CreationRegular Updates
Engages all team membersAllows for adaptation to changing circumstances
Fosters ownership and commitmentKeeps the agreement relevant
Promotes open communicationAddresses emerging needs and challenges
Builds trust and mutual understandingEnsures ongoing alignment and cohesion

By prioritizing collaborative creation and regular updates, remote teams can harness the power of their collective knowledge and experiences. This not only strengthens the team’s bond but also enhances their ability to achieve shared goals and deliver exceptional results.

Examples of Remote Team Working Agreements

Remote team working agreements can include prioritizing quality over speed, being data-oriented, and setting goals aligned with everyone’s vision. These examples serve as guiding principles for remote teams to work together effectively and efficiently. By emphasizing the importance of quality, data-driven decision-making, and alignment, these agreements help foster a collaborative and goal-oriented working environment.

Table: Examples of Remote Team Working Agreements

Prioritizing Quality over SpeedBeing Data-OrientedSetting Aligned Goals
• Delivering high-quality work, even if it takes longer• Collecting and analyzing relevant data for informed decisions• Aligning individual and team goals with the overall vision
• Conducting thorough testing and quality assurance• Tracking key metrics and using data to drive improvements• Regularly reviewing and adjusting goals to ensure alignment

These examples demonstrate the commitment to excellence, analytical thinking, and strategic alignment that successful remote teams prioritize. By incorporating these principles into their working agreements, remote teams can overcome challenges and achieve their collective objectives.

Quote: Prioritizing quality over speed

“We believe that delivering high-quality work is not negotiable, even if it means investing more time and effort. By prioritizing quality over speed, we can ensure that our outputs meet the highest standards and exceed client expectations.” – John Smith, Team Lead

By adopting a data-oriented approach, remote teams can make informed decisions based on accurate and relevant information. This allows them to identify trends, opportunities, and challenges, which can guide their strategies and actions. Being data-driven also promotes transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement within the team.

Setting aligned goals within a remote team is crucial for creating a shared sense of purpose and direction. By aligning individual goals with the overall vision, team members can work collaboratively towards a common objective. This enhances communication, coordination, and synergy within the team, leading to increased productivity and satisfaction.

Overall, remote team working agreements that prioritize quality, data-driven decision-making, and aligned goals contribute to the success of a remote team. These examples serve as a foundation for remote teams to establish clear expectations and foster a collaborative and goal-oriented working environment.

Benefits of Having a Remote Team Working Agreement

Having a remote team working agreement promotes collaboration, prevents conflict, and creates a more cohesive and successful team. When team members are working remotely, establishing clear guidelines and expectations becomes even more important. A team agreement serves as a framework that outlines how team members should communicate, make decisions, and work together to achieve common goals.

Collaboration is essential for remote teams to thrive. By having a team agreement in place, team members are encouraged to work together, share ideas, and support one another. The agreement can include guidelines on how to collaborate effectively, such as setting regular check-ins, utilizing project management tools, and fostering a culture of open communication.

Preventing Conflict and Resolving Issues

In any team setting, conflicts can arise. However, a well-defined team agreement can help prevent conflicts from escalating and provide a framework for resolving issues. The agreement can outline how conflicts should be addressed, such as through open and constructive dialogue, seeking mediation when necessary, and finding mutually beneficial solutions. This promotes a positive and harmonious team environment.

“A remote team working agreement helps create a cohesive team by establishing a shared understanding of goals and expectations. It provides a roadmap for collaboration and fosters a sense of unity among team members.” – John Doe, Team Manager

Creating a Cohesive Team

A remote team working agreement plays a crucial role in creating a cohesive team. It sets shared values, goals, and expectations that guide the team’s behavior and interaction. By aligning everyone’s vision and establishing a common understanding, team members can work towards a common purpose and build trust among themselves. This promotes a sense of unity and camaraderie, despite working from different locations.

Benefits of a Remote Team Working Agreement:
Promotes collaboration
Prevents conflict
Creates a cohesive team

Resources and Templates for Creating Team Agreements

There are various resources and templates available to guide the process of creating team agreements. These tools can be invaluable for remote teams seeking to establish clear communication, set expectations, and promote collaboration. By utilizing these resources, teams can create comprehensive and effective team agreements that foster a positive and productive work environment.

The following table provides a list of some useful resources and templates:

Team Agreement TemplateThis template provides a framework for outlining expectations, communication methods, and decision-making processes within a remote team. It is customizable and can be tailored to suit the specific needs of your team.
Remote Team Collaboration GuideThis guide offers practical advice and strategies for fostering collaboration within remote teams. It provides insights into effective communication practices, virtual meeting etiquette, and building trust among team members.
Online Collaboration ToolsVarious online collaboration tools such as Slack, Trello, and Asana can greatly facilitate team communication and project management. These tools enable seamless collaboration, efficient task allocation, and transparent progress tracking.

In addition to the resources and templates mentioned above, it is also beneficial to leverage industry-specific resources and best practices. Professional associations, online forums, and industry blogs often offer valuable insights into remote team dynamics and provide templates specifically tailored to certain industries or job roles.

Remember, while these resources can provide a valuable starting point, it is essential to adapt them to suit the unique characteristics and needs of your remote team. Collaborative creation and regular updates of the team agreement ensure that it remains relevant and effective over time. By utilizing these resources and customizing them to fit your team’s requirements, you can establish a thorough and well-structured team agreement that sets the foundation for successful remote teamwork.

Leadership and Accountability in Team Agreements

Leadership plays a crucial role in team agreements by modeling the desired behavior and establishing accountability mechanisms. In remote teams, where communication and alignment can be challenging, effective leadership becomes even more essential in ensuring that the team agreement is upheld and followed by all team members. When leaders demonstrate the desired behavior outlined in the team agreement, they set a positive example for the rest of the team, encouraging them to do the same.

One effective way for leaders to model the desired behavior is through clear and consistent communication. By providing regular updates, offering constructive feedback, and actively participating in team discussions, leaders show their commitment to the values and expectations outlined in the team agreement. This fosters a sense of trust and accountability among team members.

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek

In addition to modeling the desired behavior, leaders must also establish accountability mechanisms to ensure that team members are held responsible for their actions and commitments. This can be achieved through regular check-ins, performance evaluations, or peer reviews. By implementing these mechanisms, leaders create a culture of accountability and encourage team members to take ownership of their responsibilities.

Leadership in Team AgreementsAccountability Mechanisms
Modeling desired behaviorRegular check-ins
Clear and consistent communicationPerformance evaluations
Fostering trust and accountabilityPeer reviews

By emphasizing leadership and accountability in team agreements, remote teams can establish a strong foundation for effective collaboration and productivity. When leaders lead by example and implement accountability mechanisms, team members are more likely to adhere to the team agreement and work together towards achieving shared goals and targets.

Enhancing Team Agreements for Larger Teams

To enhance team agreements in larger teams, it is important to regularly revisit and update the agreement, make it easily accessible, and scale it to accommodate the team’s dynamics. As the size of a remote team increases, so does the need for clear and comprehensive guidelines that foster effective collaboration and communication.

One way to enhance team agreements in larger teams is by regularly revisiting and updating them. As circumstances change and new challenges arise, it is crucial to ensure that the team agreement remains up-to-date and relevant. Regular reviews allow team members to reflect on what is working well and what areas may need improvement. This iterative process ensures that the agreement continues to meet the needs of the team and paves the way for continuous improvement.

In addition to regular updates, making the team agreement easily accessible is essential, especially in larger teams. Providing a centralized location where team members can access the agreement ensures that everyone is on the same page. This can be in the form of a shared document or an internal collaboration platform. By making the agreement easily accessible, team members can refer to it whenever necessary, minimizing confusion and promoting consistency in team practices.

Scaling Agreements in Larger Teams

Scaling team agreements to accommodate larger teams requires careful consideration of the team’s dynamics and unique needs. It is important to strike a balance between providing structure and allowing flexibility. For example, the decision-making process may need to be adapted to include input from a larger number of team members. This ensures that everyone has a voice and contributes to the team’s overall direction.

Another aspect to consider when scaling team agreements is the need to define roles and responsibilities clearly. As team sizes increase, there may be a greater need for specialization and division of tasks. Clearly outlining roles and responsibilities helps avoid duplication of efforts and ensures accountability within the team.

In summary, enhancing team agreements for larger teams involves regular updates, easy accessibility, and scaling to accommodate the team’s dynamics. By following these guidelines, remote teams can establish a strong foundation for effective collaboration, communication, and overall team success.


Remote team working agreements are essential for establishing effective and efficient remote teams, promoting collaboration, and fostering effective teamwork. These agreements serve as living documents that set expectations and capture agreements about how a remote team will work together. It is crucial for team agreements to cover aspects such as communication methods, response times, core hours, feedback, and decision-making processes.

To ensure the success of remote teams, team agreements should be created collaboratively and regularly reviewed and updated. Collaborative creation ensures buy-in from all team members and fosters a sense of ownership. Regular updates help keep the team agreement relevant and adaptable to changing circumstances.

Examples of remote team working agreements include prioritizing quality over speed, being data-oriented, and setting goals aligned with everyone’s vision. Such agreements are crucial for setting common goals and values within a remote team, promoting collaboration, preventing conflict, and creating a more cohesive and successful team.

Resources and templates are available to guide the process of creating team agreements, ensuring comprehensive coverage of important aspects. Additionally, it is essential for all team members to have buy-in and for leaders to model the desired behavior outlined in the team agreement. By regularly revisiting and updating the team agreement, making it easily accessible, establishing accountability mechanisms, and scaling agreements across larger teams, remote teams can further enhance the effectiveness of their team agreements and ensure effective collaboration and teamwork.


Q: What is a remote team working agreement?

A: A remote team working agreement is a living document that sets expectations and captures agreements about how a remote team will work together. It covers aspects such as communication methods, response times, core hours, feedback, and decision-making processes.

Q: Why is collaborative creation and regular updates important for team agreements?

A: Collaborative creation ensures buy-in from all team members and fosters a sense of ownership. Regular updates help keep the team agreement relevant and adaptable to changing circumstances.

Q: Can you provide examples of remote team working agreements?

A: Examples of remote team working agreements include prioritizing quality over speed, being data-oriented, and setting goals aligned with everyone’s vision. These examples demonstrate the importance of setting common goals and values within a remote team.

Q: What are the benefits of having a remote team working agreement?

A: Having a remote team working agreement promotes collaboration, prevents conflict, and creates a more cohesive and successful team. It sets clear expectations, fosters trust, and improves overall team performance.

Q: Are there resources and templates available for creating team agreements?

A: Yes, there are resources and templates available to guide the process of creating team agreements. These tools help ensure comprehensive coverage of important aspects.

Q: What role does leadership play in team agreements?

A: Leadership plays a crucial role in team agreements. Leaders should model the desired behavior outlined in the team agreement and establish accountability mechanisms. They foster a positive and supportive team culture.

Q: How can team agreements be enhanced for larger teams?

A: Team agreements can be enhanced for larger teams by regularly revisiting and updating them, making them easily accessible, and scaling the agreements to accommodate larger team dynamics.

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